Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Photography lesson for Idiots!!! 1. trigger happy

Ever since i started my photoblog ive been visiting other peoples blogs, and the've been visiting mine. i must say that some are really good, some are gettin better and some i just want to beat up with their own camera if i every met them and saw them taking pictures.

there are 2 solutions to this over whelming problem of bad photography.
1. i can either sit back and call all of you who 'think' you take good photographs, idiots.
2. or i can teach some basic photography skills... practical and theoretical...

since im such a nice guy im gonna go with option no. 2.

First lesson: and im naming them

Trigger happy!

This is the first thing you have to know about any 'auto' camera you have. When i say 'auto' i mean the digicams or the ordinary film cameras which dont have a huge lens that u need to turn for focus or zoom.
grip the camera firmly in your right hand and put your right index finger on the trigger. (they dont make Left handed cameras). do not ever use only ure index finger and thumb to hold ure camera. it annoys me! grip it firmly with ure palm even.

then, while your camera is off, press the trigger slowly. you should feel a stop. and then when u press harder another stop. press it a few times till you know where the 2 clicks/stops are just to get the hang of it.

when the camera is on and u press till u reach the first stop, what the cameras inbuilt computer is doin is measuring the amount of light in ure shot and the focus it has to get. so it would be a good idea to hold it at the first stop for a second before you press harder to the next stop/click. the second stop/click is the one that takes the photo...

if the camera is out of focus you should have an orange blinking light somewhere on ure camera. different cameras have differnt places where something blinks...

simply put

stop/click 1: light measurement, focus measurement.
stop/click 2: shot captured.
blinking thing anywhere on the camera: out of focus

stay tuned for more lessons...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Corpse Bride!

i just watched Tim Burtons, Corpse Bride. And being a lover of all types of animation let me just tell you that this was one of the best. besides the fact that it was seemless puppet stop motion animation the story line rocked.

Young man wants to get married to a woman, instead things go wrong and ends up marrying a dead woman. and eventually the dead woman gives him up to the live woman. whole bunch of singing and action in the middle. but thats just the jist of it.

heres the thing about good animation. it stirs something inside you. its not real people, its not even real situations. but at the end of the whole thing, in the whole make belive world something in your heart says "awee..."

movies like these take me inside the make belive world of love and fantasy... where love lasts forever and sacrifices for love seem like the only thing to do...

heres my question to you... would you give up your true love just so he/she/it could be happier with someone else?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The weather makes me wanna stab myself with a spoon!

This post has nothing to do with the title but i just thought id vent some frustration and complain about the weather. it interferes with my sunny disposition...

this post is bout what happened to me yesterday...

Theres this friend of mine called chris. He is the drummer in my band and we practice at his house whenever hes not workin and all of us get some free time. chris is a normal dude who albeit a little more religious than normal. but bout 6 months ago he was complaining that he was seeing this thing in his room. he couldnt quite explain what the thing was but he was scared shitless none the less. he said it was a woman. and always try and stay in other friends houses if none of his flatmates were home. and hes not the scary cat kinda types. hes quite fearless most of the time... and quite level headed. but when he started tellin us bout this whole issue we kinda didnt believe him. we kept blaming his extremely strong religious beliefs.

The story then took a dramatic twist when while playin with him a couple of months ago, i heard this short screem... i put it off the first time cause it sounded like there was a tv on somewhere. 2 minutes later it was as if someone woman was talking. it kinda bowled me over. i blamed it on fatigue. but i spoke to him bout it later that night. Chris, dude, i heard something at ure place man?. before i said anything else he said to me... "yeah u heard a woman talking didnt you" then i went into 'what the fuck' mode. hows that possible man? i mean are we really in the midts of the paranormal. didnt speak much about it after that.

last night after we finished the jam, while packing up i felt something more than the 4 people that were in the room. i cant quite explain it... maybe it was the lighting, maybe i was tired again. maybe it was my mind playin tricks on me. donno but i definately felt something spooky at his place.

to only confim my doubts tabrez(my guitarist) tells chris that he felt something not right at his place...

heres my issue...

is this mass hysteria... or are we really picking up something unexplainable... how could 3 different people from 3 different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs feel the same thing...

either we play soo loud that we wake up the dead... or they really enjoy our music!

theres more goin on here than i ever want to know...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Shake my hand!

firstly id like to wish a big happy birthday to Alice

and now back to our regular programming...

its been about a week or soo since talon has been around. and to be honest ive been a mean bitch to him considering hes been gettin all kinda shouts and nose flicks just to get him to behave himself. ive felt bad, but its doing the trick. hes doin all his business outside my house and carefully follows at the right side of me when we go for his evening walk. and hes doin it all leashless. which is a very good thing. thats only cause i can keep up with him when he runs. hes too small still. last couple of days ive got him to sit when hes told to sit. doin the various hand gestures and he sits.

heres my problem...

why is it that people think that a dog shaking hands/paws with someone is the best trick a dog can do?

there are people who come to my house and when they see talon they put their hand out sayin shake?


this is a big deal for these people... making a german shepherd shake hands with them. its a fucking mockery of the dogs intellegence. theres 2 things that happen when u put ure hand in front of any dog... 1 is that he will bite it. and 2 is that he puts his paw out too. its reflex... and now what is happening is that everytime tell him to sit or teach him something new. he puts his stupid paw out!!!

ive figured out a solution for this...

from tommorow im gonna teach talon to bite anyone who puts his hand out to shake...
also gonna make him pee at their feet...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Apple pie

I went to Mac Donald’s the other day and my friend wanted an apple pie thingy. Not the whole pie but the ones that come in this sachet. So more like an apple rectangle.
So on seeing my friend Omar relishing the apple rectangle, I started to think. What the heck is an apple doing in a pie. (rectangle in this case). I mean who the heck would think of putting an apple in a pie? I mean isn’t the apple already good to eat? So why is it that It needs to be cut up into pieces and shoved in an oven to 200˚.

As trivial as shoving apples into an oven may seem, my brain decides to go one up on itself. And comes up with another trivial question…

And here is it…

How many other fruits went into the oven before they decided to stick to an apple???

I know there are blue berry pies and other berry pies. But there must have been some other trial and error process before they came to the conclusion of the pies we have today.


If I was a pie inventor… heres the pies id like to take out of the oven…

Watermelon pie.
Banana pie
Jackfruit pie.
Tomato pie (yeah tomato is a fruit dumbass)

P.S. I know that all these pie recipes can be found on the Internet. But they all cant be shoved into an oven… please don’t send me recipes … I don’t cook…

Sunday, February 12, 2006


welcoming the newest member of the cardozo family and my new room mate... the 2 month old german sheperd... his name is talon...
hes quite cute... fits in both my palms. and he sleeps a lot.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Logo Unveiled!!!


heres my photography logo. needed to watermark my images. so i had to design a logo. and here it is...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Wheres my Jet? i need to get to work!

yes... today i had to fly to work. part of my job is to source suppliers and keep upto date with the latest that the print media field has to offer. so i had to hop a flight to dubai to check out this print exhibition. im just facinated that i did a trip like this. heading to another country and comming back the in under 12 hours. it was quite tiring i must say. i dont know how people do it. the time spent there was aight but the flight was painful

ive got this massive cold ya. and cause of that both my ears got blocked. i took my psp to listen to some music and i couldnt hear anything from the headphones. but i did get to see the grandeur of dubai. and let me be honest with you. i quite like doha. its smaller. its quicker to get from one place to another and the people are a wee bit nicer. maybe i didnt get to spend that much time there so im not doin it justice. i plan to do a weekend trip where i just party my ass of and come back.

i love flyin during the day. cause i like to see clouds. i love clouds for some reason. i love the fact that they are white. donno y. ive always been attracted to them.

i got a couple of pics up at my photoblog. check em out... share my affinity towards the open sky!

Aircraft window pics

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Rockers Vs Clubbers

Last weekend was outta this world. its not like to me to get excited bout a new experince cause i have a lotta new experiences very often. its the ADD(attention deficit disorder) that makes me do different things. but thursday night blew my mind. its not only that i had a good time, i meet some mighty intersting people too.

The party was called Global Djs.
its basically these really cool local djs who got together and decided to bring to doha a whole bunch of international djs. the gig was awesome and i had a blast and i got to know the superstar djs too... here's the story...

first up was DJ KV
this guy is young. half turkish and half arab. hes the No.1 dj in Dubai. im guessing you have to be good to be no.1 in dubai. hes got a whole bunch of shit goin on. and one thing he said that im gonna remember for a while: "i wanna be a millionaire by 35" give the guy credit for setting goals. and im quite sure he'll do it.

Next up was Paul Mendez
now this guy is famous. this week hes playing in 3 different continents. and lemme tell you thats hes quite a celebrity in the club world. and the irony is that hes one of the nicest guys ive ever met! jst super chilled out man. also he knows how to grab his audience by the balls and swing them all over the dance floor. i bet if someone tested his arrogance level, itd be quite high. but somehow he levels out to where u stand and will have a conversation with you bout anything.

last but not least Micheal Parsberg
hes the guy who produces the music to safri duo. the 2 bongo beating monkeys in front are noting without him. truly a great dj. he came in after paul who played a really good set, but took the crowd to a whole new level. and hes just the most humble person you will ever meet. soft spoken and relaxed. its strange how the fame didnt get to him.

my title says rockers Vs Clubbers. I am a rocker. i enjoy the anger of rock. But i am also a clubber. I enjoy the Tranquility of trance... ive found my Ying & Yang!

P.S. some pics of the party are put up on my photoblog. gonna start a whole new website soon. just gonna dump every photo i take there cause last week i took 1230 pics. 430 where good pics... hope i can get them up soon.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

And the winner is

i must say that it was a difficult one but u guys came up with some preety good questions. give it up to you guys to being such good sports. im gonna give a 1st place ranking and a 2nd place ranking just cause there were soo many who took a wack at it!

Drum Roll please.......

2nd place goes to: The girl who sold the world
For proving to us that quantity gets the better of quality sometimes. and also for adding a mini quiz in her question. Ingenius thinking. if i was a teacher in your school and you were my students id send you to the back bench just for being over enthusiastic. so the duffers could learn something. or just cause you'd annoy me! ;)


1st place goes to: The Big man
For being content relative...

Big Man said...
here's one,
whats a reverberation?

The answer to that, my friend, is


Will post a new quiz sometime next week!
