Monday, January 30, 2006

The Question game!

ive been racking my head with this for a while now. it sounds intersting but its got glitches. heres the story...

people always ask me dumb questions. ALL THE TIME. Its fair enough, cause i know most of the answers cause i research stuff a lot. (only cause i hate not being involved in a conversation). whatever the reason may be, there are times where u just wanna tell them to fuck off. But u cant just tell someone to "fuck off" just like that. its not dramatic enough anymore. so ive figured out the perfect dramatic insult answer to moronic questions.

"Fuck you! Google It!"

and you have to say it with a little bit of drama even... first you say "Fuck you" really fast... then pause for a sec and say "google it" very politely.

heres a small game for you... try and find dumb questions to where "fuck you! google it!" could be the answer.

its very tricky trust me...

a small token of appriciation will go up on my side bar to anyone who comes up with the perfect question!


Blogger Arroclint said...

the first one i figured out is: "what does your name mean?"

11:21 AM  
Blogger Once the Conman said...

Dude... what the fuck!!! What does your name mean is not a dumb question man.
Names have meanings... and I have a fetish for names.
So that ain't counted.
Lemme ask a dumb one...
"What do you do?"
Now that's whyat I call dumb and over-done, and BORRRRIIING.
Or or...
"Why do you drink alcohol?"

12:18 PM  
Blogger Big Man said...

here's one,
whats a reverberation?

this doesnt apply too much but am pissed off with the question:
Why do you smoke?

12:34 PM  
Blogger alice said...

another funny..awesome post from u...and one dumb qs i get asked...when i m unwell and cal in sick is.."oh..!! u r not u think u can come to work"....????

4:22 PM  
Blogger burf said...

1. how do you search through google?


more are coming...


4:51 PM  
Blogger KM said...

calling someone in the middle of the night and asking "are u asleep"..or "were u sleeping?"

10:47 PM  
Blogger The Girl Who Sold The World said...

lmao...what a post!
Okay, here goes my whacko brain's response:
1. What's a question?
2. What's google?
3. Is "google" a verb or a proper noun?
4. How many people are having their dinners right now?
5. Where is Wonderland?
6. Am I out of my mind?
7. What IS mind?
Okay...just the grand finale
8. What begins with "f", ends with "k" and if a man doesn't have it, he uses his hands...???
[Perverted minds, don't try guessing it. It has a simple answer. Hint: we all use it. ALL of us]


Haha...what a waste of space! *Beams proudly*

11:15 PM  
Blogger the cowlick said...

is google spelled with an "el" or an "le"?

12:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

*In a club/bar, in an excited and annoying-to-others way*
*Cocking up ears*

Q: What is the name of that song? OMG I soooo loveeee this song! Do you know this song? OMG my head will burst if I can't figure out this song! Whats the name of this song!
*repeat till listener is ripping his hair out*

A: Fuck you! Google it!

8:27 AM  
Blogger Eleventy Seven said...

Q : Dude do you remember the name of that movie.. ah that movie with that actor in it.. the on who keeps running everywhere... you know the entire hostory of US is depicted in it... C'mon now dont tell me you havent seen it? Dont you know the name?

P.S : ok! so its a little similar to Jups idea but thats what I actually thought first but she was here before :P

10:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

:P Thief!

12:11 PM  
Blogger Casablanca said...

"Should I buy this or not?"

Okay you can google it, but this question sure drives me up the wall ;) Figure it out for yourself, damnit!

4:08 PM  
Blogger Negative Creep said...

You'll really like Bill Engvall's Here's Your Sign gag... Check it out...

5:17 AM  
Blogger AJ said...

I get asked really complicated questions at work all the time & always say "Try google"

how many mcg is 200000IU of vitamin A?
which is better apple pumice or apple cellulose?
how do you convert Y into X?
what is a ovchoepshvoe?

but if there was one question I'd like to answer with a Fuck You! Google it, it would be

"Do these pants make me look fat?"

5:49 AM  
Blogger Once the Conman said...

Fuck you! Google it.

10:45 AM  
Blogger karuna said...

where did i leave my keys/phone/brains?

the girl who sold hte world: fork ;)

1:21 PM  
Blogger alice said...

few more...u cant google these i guess but they r stupid anyways...

1. when ppl step on ur toes and ask..."did that hurt?"
2.fat , almost bald guy at a pub asked me once..."if u r not waiting for ur BF..wd u like to dance with me????"..asshole..

3:19 PM  
Blogger The Girl Who Sold The World said...

BRAVO!!! *Applauds*
Pretty smart...or did you read that somewhere, just like I did? :P

3:21 PM  
Blogger KM said...

ok clint its about time u chose!

7:15 PM  

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