Saturday, January 14, 2006


‘a point in time at which some task must be completed.’

For the last 7-8 years its been a constant trend for me to have deadlines. Ever since university and then eventually leading into the work life, where as an artist, deadlines actually become your lifelines. Hmm. Interesting wordplay: “deadlines become lifelines”.


Deadlines bracket your life into parts. For example, when working on an project, of which the deadline is 2 weeks away, one tends not to see beyond that week. Life as you know it, sometimes, just consists of 2 weeks. It may seem really really long. And after you reach that deadline and don’t have any work, you wonder what to do with all of the time…

We humans tend to thrive on difficulty… if life were easy It would seem that we might all of a sudden just drop dead…

This post is not a whiny post about how I hate deadlines or I hate working… this is about my deadline for love...

Bev was down a few weeks ago. And before she could get here I knew I had a deadline of 3 weeks. The day she got here, as much as I didn’t want to think about it I knew at the back of my head that she’ll be gone soon and jan 5th was my deadline. This is one deadline that no one should be faced with. Knowing that you can be with that one person for only so long so make the best of it. That’s not fucking possible.

Reality is that love is something that grows… you cannot put a deadline on it. Just writing this post trying make sense of this madness of missing the one you love.

Bev’s become a crutch for me… a crutch I’d gladly give up both my legs for…

just wishing that there were no deadlines for being with her…


Blogger Once the Conman said...

There don't have to be that deadline ever. It just takes a little bit of courage - when and if you are sure of the person - to give it all up and be wherever she is.
Or, it could be her to give it all up and try to be with you.
Either way... no point meeting each other in breaks... unless of course, it's what works for you both.
Ge' my point?
Give it up man. Go to her. Start over. There's something called impulse, and we seem to have forgotten all about it.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Mr. J said...

You sure are missing her ain't you... Go ahead, wipe out all the deadlines....

1:48 PM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

conman: theres a thin line between impulsiveness and stupidity. i do aggree that they can both be fun sometimes, but when theres something as important like a relationship on the line, impulsiveness is not the way to go... experience has told even u that before...

me: soon mate... soon...

5:07 PM  
Blogger Casablanca said...

Awwwww... your maturity touches me :)

11:54 AM  
Blogger Once the Conman said...

Yeah... then keep waiting for the 'right' time... you're probably missing out on what could be the most cherished days of your life waiting for some sort of lightening to strike...
And as far as my experiences go... no experience, no heartbreak, no loser -like woman ever in my life can make me think 'rationally' when it comes to love.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

gaderine: good shit man...

casa: are you being sarcastic? cause i cant tell?

conman: yeah dude. if my life was a movie id be impulsive... but in reality, ive got too much to lose to be impulsive...

4:20 PM  
Blogger Once the Conman said...

Whatever you think you got is nothing but an illusion. You only think its yours. In a blink of the eye, it can all vanish. Just like that.
Life's not always about playing it safe. Sometimes you gotta take the leap, and build your wings on the way down.
Take your chances brother.
Remember, life isn't a rehearsal. You just got one take. Just one life.
What do you do? Step on the gas, and the leave the rest to fate...

4:31 PM  
Blogger KM said...

i so relate with the deadline syndrome!
and dont u think the deadlines make the time u spend with her more precious...i know its not a consolation, just a nother way to look at a situation u cant help!

5:30 PM  
Blogger Casablanca said...

No man, that was genuine! God, what is wrong with people!

5:30 PM  
Blogger Voices In My Head said...

yeah come to think of it does seem to be only for those 2 weeks and as for not knowing what to do with the time afterwards...well our university takes care of that quite brilliantly by proudly presenting yet another bunch of deadlines or rather as i will now put it "lifelines" ;)

12:28 PM  

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