Thursday, March 23, 2006


Aight. its been while...
but im here again. ill tell you what ive been up to lately.
works been hectic as ive had to output a whole magazine in a week. not an easy task if you are doin everything by ureself. add to that all the photography that ive been doin. its not been easy but its been fun.
the party scene has been preety cool since this global djs thing started. ive got to meet a whole bunch of new international djs. one of them was Scott Bond. if you guys know your djs, you will know how huge this guy is. hes been on the list of top 100 djs in the world for the last 8 years. hes played in more countries in a week than ive seen in my lifetime. hes quite a character too. quite amusing. but he plays some serious music. also a big shout out goin out to Master Jay and joe metri. its just unbelievable that 2 guys can change the face of music in a whole country. good on you guys.
check out the pics here.

ive also found this cool new Stock photo website. its just people like me who love taking pictures for the love of it and not to make a quick buck. this website is a blessing for graphic designers and web designers. a world of free imaging at ure finger tips. upload ure pics. you never know where they will be used. plus other users rate your images. just like a photoblog. only commercialised.

its the weekend today. i have absolutely no plans. life seems a little boring today. i guess its just giving me time to breathe....

Sunday, March 12, 2006


I met up with a very old and good friend of mine a couple of days ago at starbucks. His name is lester. Now lester, who, like me, is a pet person. He’s got a dog named pammy and now, for some strange inane reason has over 20 birds in his house. Mostly parakeets and those other small annoying birds. Its been known among the circle of our friends that lester and me get into some really strange conversations. And this time he was trying to convince me that these birds that he has are really good as pets. And then the conversation truns into which animals make good pets.

Here goes:

Birds are good pets if they are the exotic kinds. The kinds that talk back to you when you whistle. These small irritating ones that lester has I don’t consider birds. More like overgrown moths with color. Although lester says that its quite relaxing to hear the overgrown moths chirp every morning. We still arguing on this one…

No arguments here. All of them rock!!!

We both associated cats with women for some reason. It wasn’t a sexist comment. It just meant that women like cats. Haven’t met too many men who say they prefer cats to dogs.

Iguanas & other reptiles:
I highly appreciate people who keep reptiles as pets cause they have mastered the art of disgusting people and at the same time have fun with it. Their worlds revolve around themselves only cause only they think that its cool to keep an iguana. Also a pro is that they are low maintenance pets. The con is that u don’t know when they are alive, dead or waiting to eat you.

See now, Goldfish have a 3 second memory. 3 SECONDS. So I guess they’ll never get bored in a fish tank. Imagine 2 fish in a fish tank. One swims around the tank and meets the second fish: “hello, my name is bill. Nice water we have today”. 2nd fish to 1st fish: “hello bill, im goldie, yeah true, nice water we have today”. They keep swimming. And 3 seconds later when they swim by each other again: “hello, my name is bill, nice……..”

So anyways I came to a conclusion for the best pet ever…

And here it is.

A crab:
Here are the reasons a crab would make a good pet.
1: you never know which way a crab is gonna go. He may go left? Or he may go right? But he’ll keep you guessing.
2: a crab knows martial arts. Which other pet can you keep who always look like they’ve got a martial art pose on. The way they keep their claws is equivalent to bruce lee’s pose in enter the dragon.
3: if you have 2 of them you can have fun with your friends by saying: “ive got crabs”

The last line was very given by our very own Big man!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Guess That Image!!! part 5

Its that time again...
rules are simple... guess what the image is. a certificate goes up on my side bar for the winner. The first person to get it right wins...
This one is really simple!!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Conversations with the Ceiling 006

Two hetrosexual people of opposite genders were not meant to be best friends. ive heard it a few times before where my guy & girl friends have told me that this other person is my BEST friend. i somehow believe thats not possible... and it is not possible because of the sexual tension it creates.

It is a genetic trait to be attracted to the opposite sex no matter what the situation. unless you find the opposite sex completely repulsive, in which case the Best friend situation is null and void cause u cant possibly call someone ure best friend if u think they are butt ugly!

And this is my theory to prove that Man and woman wern't meant to be best friends without sexual tension being involved in it!

God made man! ADAM
Adam started gettin bored so God decided to make him a friend to give him some company
then God made woman! EVE.
adam bonks eve!
thus proving the fact that man was not meant to be friends with eve, but to bonk eve!
if God wanted "best friends" he probably would have created Steve... in which case we would have probably discovered beer and playstation a couple of centuries ago...

This post is just a rant about the obvious. All those who read this and tell me that they have this best friend of the opposite sex, you are either...
1. Gay! or
2. Clueless!
only cause you underestimate the sex drive!