Saturday, September 17, 2005

Mr Nice guy

The lessons ive learned because im a nice guy.

Here’s the thing. As much as ive given and given, its that much I haven’t gotten back. What is it about humans that make us such manipulative bastards?

I have a dog. His name is snoopy. Hes a white great peranese. Snoopy ran away today. I had to search for him for hours. Finally found him a short distance from my house, sitting with this other female dog. Here’s what I figured out. Humans are like dogs. Acting on impulse more than thought. Their well being, their motives are all selfish acts. As much as a dog will love u and protect you and be your best friend he will eventually fuck you over if there’s something better in it for him. Humans are exactly the same.

Where are those days gone where people lived their lives for someone else? Where’s the honor gone, where a man would take a bullet for his best friend?

I too have succumbed to the fact that ive become a selfish little bastard. Living life for myself only. How did I become this way you ask

I became this way because of all the people ive been nice to, been a friend to, been a committed boyfriend to. Ive stuck by my friends, respected my acquaintances and honorable to my girlfriends. The only thing ive gotten back is pain.

Its said that what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger. I don’t agree with that statement 100 percent. Cause something inside me has been killed. It’s the innocence that makes you believe that Santa clause exists. The innocence that makes me believe that true love lasts forever. The innocence that makes you believe that you are not alone in the struggle of life…

I have grown up… I have become wiser…. I have learned my lessons…

Because ive been hurt.

Because im a nice guy.


Blogger Casablanca said...

I believe that there's nothing wrong with us being selfish - with us looking out for ourselves. My happiness has to be of utmost importance to me... coz others wont care for me. Its a defence mechanism, much needed in today's world.

I ramble...

8:08 AM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

as john lennon said...

"all we need is love"

12:37 PM  
Blogger alice said...

dont be a nice guy...screw 'em all..

11:13 AM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

yes alice, and so i want to.
in world of igorance and hipocracy somehow diplomacy seems like the best bet.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

true that...
so is that the price we pay for success?
lonliness and selfishness?

9:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Gosh, that just tugged a heart string.

I can relate to what you're saying. How you always give 100% but never seem to get 100% back...
How one day someone is able to bring out the worst in you, and how it kills that innocent, all-trusting, all-believing person inside.

2:11 PM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

the true question jupiter is that have u lost hope in giving 100%

12:25 AM  

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