Monday, September 12, 2005


Just a couple of days ago a few good friends of mine bought me a new toy called the Playstation Portable (PSP). Now, for all the ignoramus’ around, the psp is a handheld gaming device. Its been 3 days and ive been glued to it. I’ve been taking it everywhere. I take it to work; I play with it while I walk to buy groceries. I was playing with it while my car was getting washed. I watched a movie on it while I was eating lunch. Man I even took it while I was taking a crap!

When people start doing things without any reason sooner or later they realize it. How did I live my life without this?

The truth is that everyone is dependant on something else. Which leads me to believe that we are never truly free. How many times have to been bummed from loosing your cell phone. Ive lost a few cell phones in my life and one thing that’s always bothered me is not the monetary aspect of it but the fact that ive lost the numbers of most of my friends. The true grief is in the fact that I may have lost a contact which may make me feel as though ive lost a friend.

Did anyone ever think that without your computer or without the internet you wouldn’t be reading what im writing? I stopped to think what life was like without the internet or the computer. Things we take for granted today. Honestly life wasn’t so bad. Infact it was great. But if I did loose my computer or the internet now id feel like I was back in the stone-age.

This same theory is applied to every kind of machinery I own. The harsh reality is that I did it to myself. I made myself believe that I can’t do without it. Without my gadgets and widgets id loose touch with the outside world.

Buddha attainted nirvana hanging out alone in a forest. Im not gonna be Buddha….

Dependence is something manmade. Strangely enough we trust and depend on manmade things than man itself…


Blogger Once the Conman said...

Awesome post my friend.
very true.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

thanks dude.

2:21 PM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

true that im not incapable of being independant. the fact is that i choose to be this way... and thats the scary bit. scary? y u may ask, cause ure doin something that idealy shouldnt be done till this extent. sure we'd survive without our machinery. the question is do we want to?

6:30 PM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

G-Man has an opinion... i agree.

But does he have a view?

6:59 PM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

ofcourse its to him his own my friend... although what i ment to say was you are always opinioniated about others views... wheres your own? an opinion always stems from a view. to me this is still your opinion....
when u start your own post... ill call that a view....

p.s. tht post was before 13.9.2005 banuchee chai shop discussion. rather before the unmasking of gadarene's true identity.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Arroclint said...

i ACCEPT. that i am dependant.
arnt we all?

10:57 PM  

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